Baggio, S. Card., Carta a Mons. del Portillo, 17-1-1983 (English)

[the translation is ours]

Sacred Congregation for Bishops

Rome, January 17th, 1983

Prot. N. 639/82


Most Reverend Monsignor Prelate,


In the Audience of this past 8th of January, the Holy Father revealed to me his most august Thought concerning the placement of the canons regarding personal Prelatures in the definitive text of the new Code of Canon Law, which will be promulgated by Him on January 25th.


It is my joy to communicate to you that His Holiness has fully confirmed to me what He had expressed in the Audience conceded to you, that is:


1) the placement in the pars I of liber II does not alter the content of the canons that refer to personal Prelatures, which, therefore, while not being particular Churches, continue to be always jurisdictional structures, of a secular and hierarchical character, erected by the Holy See in order to perform peculiar pastoral activities, as established by the Second Vatican Council;


2) with the different choice of systematic ordering of the new Code, the dependence of personal Prelatures on this Sacred Congregation remains unaltered, to the effects of the Ap. Const. “Regimini Ecclesiae Universae”, 49 § 1;

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3) finally, the documents of the Holy See that constituted Opus Dei as a personal Prelature continue being fully valid, to all effects.


With the certainty that the assurances of the Holy Father will be to your pleasing, I gladly take the opportunity of this epistolary exchange to confirm myself


                                most devoted to you in the Lord

+ S. Card. Baggio Pref.

Most Reverend
Msgr. Alvaro del Portillo
Prelate of OPUS DEI